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Jackson Real Estate Investing Group (RIG)
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What takes place at the weekly meetings?
Lots of things!

1.  Members may present their investment properties they want to sell.

2.  We usually have a featured speaker on a real estate related topic.

3.  Networking with other real estate investors.

4.  Real estate investing problem-solving Q&A sessions.

5.  Announcements of upcoming events.

...but mainly, our meetings are about building business relationships which is the heart of being a real estate investor.

If I want to sell any of my investment properties, how do I present it to the group?
We usually recognize two (2) ways to tell folks about your property:

a) Formal - this just means you've prepared a handout or flyer.  This is usually the best way.  It often yields the best response.  Include a photo, the address, contract terms, price, SqFt, number of bedrooms/baths, comps, rental information, etc.


b) Informal - no flyer or handout.  This is strictly a verbal pitch.  Make it memorable!  Always mention your name and phone number.